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Customer Success Team

Last updated on Jul 10, 2024

You need your business to be easily found by your site visitors, that's why we've got a Map Element. All you need to do is add the ‘Map’ Element from the Elements section to the Crafting Area and edit it.

Simply move the pointers to define the Map Element size. You can also change the height of the Map element by adjusting the black controller on the bottom of the element.


Edit Icon- Enter your desired addresses or multiple locations in the Dialog Window and don't forget to hit ‘Save’ once you're done.

Color- You can change the Style of your Map to make it suit your page's color shade or even upload your own images!

Opt for Zoom level for more optimization.\ ​

Alignment - To change alignment settings of the element, click on the ‘Alignment’ icon you’ll have three options available: top, center and bottom.\ ​\ ​Visibility Settings - It enables making a certain Element/Block appear on Desktop, Mobile only, or everywhere by default. Simply hit Visibility Settings and choose the desired option from the dropdown menu to get full control over the Visibility of the elements on your page.\ ​\ Next comes Location visibility. Include or exclude specific cities or countries or set the appropriate Custom IP. \ ​\ Mind the Session visibility as well. The latter one, allows to make certain elements visible only to the logged in users of your website. This works well with User Account element and can come in handy if you want to hide some content from users until they sign up to your website.

Trash Icon - If you don't need the Element anymore, Click on the ‘Trash’ icon to remove it from your page in a blink of an eye.\ ​

While you're reading this, our enthusiastic team is already working on implementing new elements and functionalities, stay tuned!\ ​\ Check the rest of the elements for a bigger view at Ucraft and the opportunities available and don't forget that we're never more than a click away so hit the Chat box in the lower right corner if you have any questions!