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Submit Your Site to Search Engines

Customer Success Team

Last updated on Jul 10, 2024

Dramatically improve your SEO by organically submitting your site organically to the top search engines, such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Yandex. Check out this article to learn how!


In order to organically get Google to submit your web pages directly to their index, you'll need to first register your site with Google Search Console. You can either add an updated sitemap to your Google account, or submit an index for the desired URL through Fetch as Google.

Since Googlebot crawls billions of web pages, directly submitting your site will speed things up. You can always resubmit your website if you've made any changes, so that Google will index your website's latest version.

!Note: You cannot verify your website using Ucraft's provided subdomain. You'll need to either use your Custom Domain or another verification method.

Submit Your Site To Google

  1. Head over to Google Search Console.
  2. Sign in with your Google Account.
  3. Click on Add Property.
  4. Enter your Custom Domain linked to your website.
  5. Choose the verification method 'HTML Tag' from the 'Alternate methods' tab.

Method 1 (via HTML tag)

Method 2 (via DNS)

6. Copy the HTML tag.\ 7. Paste into your website’s Dashboard → Site Settings → Code Injection →  Before field.\ 9. Click 'Verify' in Search Console.

You'll receive a message informing you that you're all set to use the Search Console.

!Note: If you’ve recently added or made changes to a page on your site, Google can also (re)index it by submitting a sitemap.

Submit Your Site To Bing/Yahoo

In 2010, Yahoo Webmaster Tools was integrated into Bing Webmaster Tools. Therefore, Bing provides the actual search engine for Yahoo searches. By submitting your site to Bing, you'll actually be submitting your site for both Bing and Yahoo.

  1. Create a Bing account.
  2. Insert the URL of your website and fill out the form.
  3. Follow the instructions for Option 2.
  4. Copy the displayed tag with your custom ownership verification code to the clipboard.

4. Paste it to your Website’s Dashboard → Site Settings → Code Injection →  Before field.\ 5. Click 'Verify' in Bing.

!Note: Click here for more information on how to submit a sitemap to Bing.

Submit Your Site To Yandex

  1. Sign in or create a Yandex.Webmaster account.
  2. Enter your website's URL in the box and click the 'Add' button.
  3. Go ahead and copy the meta tag.

Method 1 (via HTML tag)

Method 2 (via DNS)

4. Paste it to your Website’s Dashboard → Site Settings → Code Injection →  Before field.\ 5. Click ' Save Changes'.\ 6. Switch back to Yandex.Webmaster and click 'Check'.

!Note: Click here for more information on how to submit a sitemap to Yandex Webmaster. \ ​

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