Every website is unique and everyone creating a website has different requirements for the components they need to build their perfect website.
With that in mind, Ucraft has developed a wide range of site Elements that can be combined into Blocks.
From the Blocks section, located on your Left Panel, you'll find various Blocks outlined by Ucraft designers and ready to be added to your page.
You’ll be offered a list of all the available block types and their examples, including Headers, Footers, Gallery, Quotes Blocks, etc.
Just click on one of the tags (e.g. 'Header') to find all the available options that can be used for your site. Scroll down to see all the examples.
To 'Add' the block, drag it on the Crafting Area and drop it onto your desired section.
You're all set to start editing the chosen block!
Just hover over the Block and click on the three dots in the upper left corner to get started. You can upload a Background Image or embed a Video URL to have an eye-catching Background design. You can change the Opacity and Blur Level of your Block Background as well.
Block Settings#
The settings enable changing the Column Alignment in Mobile View as well as managing the Visibility Settings. Device Visibility can be set to Always visible, Visible on Mobile or Desktop only. Whereas, Location Visibility allows you to set visibility for a particular Country, City, or IP. Language visibility allows you to set the block visible for a particular language if your website is multilingual. Session visibility can be very handy if you want to make certain blocks visible for logged in or logged out users only.
Keep in mind that session visibility allows certain blocks to be visible only for your website's logged-in users. This works well with the User Account element and will come in handy if you wish to hide content from users until they sign up to your website.
You can manage the Visibility Settings of the Blocks on your website the same way. Go to the Block Settings, click 'Edit Block' and make the desired changes accordingly.
You can also choose to Hide your Blocks from the public eye or Save a specific one.
Select Block Settings again, and click 'Save as Block.' The Block will be stored in the Blocks Section; you can use these blocks for all of your websites.
- Please keep in mind that saving your blocks is a feature only available on our Paid Subscriptions.
You may press and hold the Ctrl key while dragging the desired block and dropping it on the Crafting Area to duplicate it.
You can also change the Order of the Blocks by dragging and dropping them around. Simply hover over the desired block and pull it from the three dots in the upper left corner.
You can delete the block by clicking on the 'Trash' icon.
If you have any questions or concerns, contact us directly via the Live Chat box, located in the lower right corner. Our Support Team will provide you with top-notch quality support, 24/7.