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Articles App

Customer Success Team

Last updated on Dec 25, 2023

Write and publish your articles via our Articles App! Just go to the Dashboard and click on the ‘Articles’ icon to get started.

The Articles App is divided into three main sections: Articles, Categories, and Feeds.

The main page allows you to create and publish new articles and view your articles according to their published/another status, category, and date/ordering. When you hover over the article, the edit, duplicate, view or delete icons will appear.

!Note: You can publish up to 5 articles on the Free Website plan. As Articles App is a pro feature and not available on the Free plan, you will need to navigate to Dashboard→ Pages App and create an Article type of page to add your articles to your website. The articles will appear as a default part of that page.

Creating Your Article

Located in the 'Articles' app's top right corner is the 'New Article' button. Click on it to fill out the title, introductory text, and full article text.

Located on the right side is a panel. Click on the blue button at the top to 'Publish Now,' 'Save as Draft,' or 'Schedule the article.' The panel features the following subsections: Featured, Basic, Images, Sharing & Comments, and SEO.


You have the option to feature an article.  Enable the Featured button for each article on Editor, set tags for your related articles,  go to the Single Article page and add the Related Articles element from your Left Panel to your crafting area. Select your favorite article for your page, and 'Publish'!


Schedule start and end date and time the article goes live and how long you want that specific article to be visible on the website, create/select a category for the article or leave it uncategorized, credit the author or leave it as 'unknown,' and add tags if you'd like. Tags emphasize the article's main points.


Select Browse Files or Open Media to select your Main and Social Images. Upload your images or browse Unsplash's Free Stock Collection.

Sharing & Comments

Enable sharing by clicking on the toddle. To enable comments, enter your Disqus name and click 'Connect Disqus'.


Add the alias and description here. \ ​


Created article will automatically be saved to 'Uncategorized', but you can create and add your own categories. Don't forget to create the alias, write a short description, and include a vivid Social Image.


You can add Article Feeds from different public news feeds by simply creating a new field and entering your Feed URL. The RSS feeds are located on the news websites.

  1. Click the 'Fetch' button to download the data.

  2. Head back to Articles → Draft section and select the one you want to publish.

  3. Hit the ‘Publish’ button to convey your Article to Published Section.

Make sure to 'Save' once you're done!

Multilingual Blog

If you run a multilingual blog and have already added another language to your site, you'll notice the Language Switcher in the upper left corner. Use it to alternate between languages and translate your content then publish it!

New Articles

To add a new Article to a specific page, pick the Article Element from the Elements section on the Left Panel and drop it to the desired area.

If you have any questions or concerns, contact us directly via the Live Chat box, located in the lower right corner. Our Support Team will provide you with top-notch quality support, 24/7.