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Eventbrite Element

Customer Success Team

Last updated on Jul 10, 2024

Eventbrite is an amazing event organizing platform that makes creating, promoting and managing all your events simpler than ever. All you need to do is open an account on Eventbrite to see how you can create events, reach your audience, check guest lists or sell more tickets with loads of options available. Just find the Eventbrite Element on the Elements section on the Left Panel and drag and drop it wherever you prefer.\ ​

How to set up an event?

Now, simply create an Event on Eventbrite, customize its design, details, description, etc. and move to the next step to advertise and promote your event to the world!\ ​

Just move to Create Advert in the upper right corner and edit, design and manage it. Make sure to customize it so the event matches your websites overall look and feel.

Now let's click 'Manage', move to Invite & Promote section on the Left Panel> Website Integrations to get the Code to implement it to your Ucraft website.

You can choose different options to showcase your Event: separate Event, a Calendar, Countdown or a Text Link.\ ​

Choose one of the options below or hit 'Show Me' to get the appropriate code.\ It may be a button or the full event content.

Move to 'Embed Code' and simply copy the code in the box that's generated and paste it to the field accordingly.

TIP: You'll find more detailed instructions on where to get the code hovering over 'Where do I get the code' message.

Once pasted, click 'Embed Code' and the fresh Event will a appear on your page!

Settings - You're free to make further changes to the Event the way you prefer and they will automatically be saved on your Ucraft website.\ Feel free to customize the color scheme of the widget to match your site's color scheme.

Alignment - To change alignment settings of the element, click on the ‘Alignment’ icon you’ll have three options available: top, center, bottom, just choose the one, you prefer.

Visibility Settings - It enables making a certain Element/Block appear on Desktop, Mobile only, or everywhere by default. Simply hit Visibility Settings and choose the desired option from the dropdown menu to get full control over the Visibility of the elements on your page.

Location visibility - include or exclude specific cities or countries or set the appropriate Custom IP. \ ​\ ​Session visibility - allows to make certain elements visible only to the logged in users of your website. This works well with User Account element and can come in handy if you want to hide some content from users until they sign up to your website.

Trash Icon - If you don't need the Element anymore, Click on the ‘Trash’ icon to remove it from your page in a blink of an eye.

Make sure to check all the useful features and Elements available on Ucraft and always know we're just a step away whenever you need help.

Just hit the Chat box in the lower right corner if you have any questions!