We made accepting payments on your site possible with the PayPal Button from the Elements Section.
PayPal is a popular site for transferring money between people and businesses online. The great thing about PayPal is that it is guaranteed against fraud. If your clients want to make a purchase from abroad, PayPal provides the lowest price.\ And making transactions in the fastest and safest way is through PayPal. \ \ Drag the button and drop it on your desired area. Then copy the PayPal button embed code and paste it in the field below to see it on your page.
You can also choose the button type clicking on the arrow here and see the options available. \ Select the Type:
- Buy Now
- Shopping Cart
- Donate
- Gift Certificate
- Subscription
TIP: Check out the 'Where do I get this' cheat link for more insight on where to get the code from.
Once you've pasted the code, click on Embed Code to add the button.\
Edit Icon - Edit the code from the Element Settings anytime you want.
Visibility Settings - It enables making a certain Element/ Block appear on Desktop, Mobile only, or everywhere by default. Simply hit Visibility Settings and choose the desired option from the dropdown menu to get full control over the Visibility of the elements on your page.\ \ Next comes Location visibility. Include or exclude specific cities or countries or set the appropriate Custom IP. \ \ Mind the Session visibility as well. The latter one, allows to make certain elements visible only to the logged in users of your website. This works well with User Account element and can come in handy if you want to hide some content from users until they sign up to your website.
Alignment - To change the alignment settings of the element, click on the ‘Alignment’ icon you’ll have three options available: top, center, bottom, just choose the one, you prefer.
Trash Icon - If you don't need the Element anymore, Click on the ‘Trash’ icon and delete it from your page in no time.
Make sure to check all the useful features and Elements available on Ucraft and don't hesitate to send us your questions via Chat in the lower right corner and our Support Team will provide you with quick and efficient assistance!