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How to Set Up Event Tracking Codes

Customer Success Team

Last updated on Jul 11, 2024

Information like the analysis of sales and conversions, clicks, page views and other analytical data can be crucial when it comes to understanding how your website performs and the way your site visitors react to the content you provide.

  • If you're more inclined to implement Facebook Pixel to your Ucraft website, you can check out this article that pretty much covers the process step by step.

GA Tracking, GTM and similar web analytics can serve their purpose no matter whether your website is a storefront, an informational site or a mixture of both.

How to set up Google Analytics for your Website

Step 1: First and foremost, you need to create a Google Analytics account here or get access through your Gmail or Google accounts.

  • Keep in mind that you need to have a custom domain connected to your website in order to use the analytics tool.

Step 2: Now, all you need to do is enter the required information and hit Get Tracking ID.

Step 3: You get a unique tracking ID along with a code, ready to be used on your Ucraft website.

To do so, there are two options. The first one is through the Integration with Google Analytics.

Let's move to your Ucraft website, navigate to Dashboard and find the Integrations. Go to Google Analytics and paste the Tracking ID you've just got to the appropriate field.

or Step 3.1: You can also make use of the Site Settings to implement the Analytics Tracking Code easily. \ ​

Here again, go to the Dashboard on your Ucraft website you want to add the code to and navigate to Site Settings.

Step 3.2: The next step would be pasting the following code to the after starting tag.

Step 3.3: Make sure to hit "Save" once you're done!

That's it, you'll be able to keep track of all the analytical data collected from your stats right from your Google Analytics account, reports section.\ ​

How to set up Google Analytics into your Store

Are you interested in connecting your Google Analytics to your Ucraft Store and thus receiving statistics on your store activity?​For that purpose, mind the following steps:

Step 1: Copy your Web property ID\ Step 2: Move to your Website's Dashboard → eCommerce App → Settings→ General → Tracking & Analytics. \ ​Step 3: Paste your Google Analytics ID to the text field and click Save the changes. \ ​Step 4: Afterwards, make sure to enable the "Remarketing with Google Analytics" option in your GA settings.\ ​\ Google Remarketing allows you to follow up with people who have already visited your website, and deliver ad content specifically targeted to the interests they expressed during those previous visits.

\ ​Note: the first results in Google Analytics reports will appear in about 24 hours after you enter your ID.

Google Tag Manager

What about moving to install Tag Manager to add and manage Analytics page view tags, AdWords Conversion Tracking tags on a single user interface.

Step 1: Create an Account and Setup a Container on Google Tag Manager.\ ​

Step 2: You'll get codes that need to be added to the Code Injection section with further instructions on how exactly to do that.

  • You may also find options to add, edit and publish tags on Google Tag Manager Dashboard.

Step 3: Once you've added the codes, you'll get access to data, that will give you more insight into traffic analysis and marketing optimization.

As you might have guessed, you can implement similar valid codes the same way through the Code Injection using other analytic tools to collect the data needed.

!Note: Web analytics is more than just installing a script on a website and waiting for the report to show the number of visitors on your site. It has more to do with constant analysis to figure out how your website basically performs.

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